Source code for apache_manager

# Monitor and control Apache web server workers from Python.
# Author: Peter Odding <>
# Last Change: March 28, 2019
# URL:

"""The :mod:`apache_manager` module defines the core logic of the Apache manager."""

# Standard library modules.
import logging
import os
import re

# External dependencies.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from humanfriendly import compact, concatenate, format_size, format_timespan, pluralize, Timer
from proc.apache import find_apache_memory_usage, find_apache_workers
from proc.core import Process
from property_manager import (
from six.moves.urllib.error import HTTPError
from six.moves.urllib.request import urlopen

# Modules included in our package.
from apache_manager.exceptions import AddressDiscoveryError, StatusPageError

# Semi-standard module versioning.
__version__ = '1.2'

# Hide internal identifiers from API documentation.
__all__ = (
    # Configuration defaults.
    # Public classes.

PORTS_CONF = '/etc/apache2/ports.conf'
The absolute pathname of the configuration file that defines the port(s) that
Apache listens on (a string). This constant is used as a default value for
:attr:`~ApacheManager.ports_config`. It's based on Debian's Apache 2

    'Srv', 'PID', 'Acc', 'M', 'CPU', 'SS', 'Req', 'Conn', 'Child', 'Slot',
    'Client', 'VHost', 'Request',
The expected column names in the worker status table of the Apache status page
(an iterable of strings).

IDLE_MODES = ('_', 'I', '.')
Worker modes that are considered idle (a tuple of strings). Refer to

The label used to identify native Apache workers in exported metrics (a string).

This is used by :func:`ApacheManager.save_metrics()` to distinguish native
Apache workers from WSGI process groups.

The number of seconds before an active worker is considered 'hanging' (a
number). Refer to :attr:`ApacheManager.hanging_workers`.

# Initialize a logger for this module.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ApacheManager(PropertyManager): """ Apache web server manager. Most of the computed properties on this class are cached to avoid repeated expensive computations (refer to :class:`~property_manager.cached_property` for details). The easiest way to invalidate all of these cached properties at once is to call the :func:`refresh()` method. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ Initialize a :class:`ApacheManager` object. :param args: The first positional argument is used to set :attr:`ports_config`. """ if args: args = list(args) kw['ports_config'] = args.pop(0) super(ApacheManager, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
[docs] @writable_property def num_killed_active(self): """The number of active workers killed by :func:`kill_workers()` (an integer).""" return 0
[docs] @writable_property def num_killed_idle(self): """The number of idle workers killed by :func:`kill_workers()` (an integer).""" return 0
[docs] @writable_property def status_response(self): """ Whether the status page was fetched successfully by :func:`fetch_status_page()` (a boolean). This will be :data:`None` as long as :attr:`fetch_status_page` hasn't been called. """ return None
[docs] @mutable_property def ports_config(self): """ The absolute pathname of the ``ports.conf`` configuration file (a string). The configuration file is expected to define the port(s) that Apache listens on. Defaults to :data:`PORTS_CONF`. """ return PORTS_CONF
[docs] @cached_property def listen_addresses(self): """ The network address(es) where Apache is listening (a list of :class:`NetworkAddress` objects). :raises: :exc:`.AddressDiscoveryError` when discovery fails (e.g. because ``/etc/apache2/ports.conf`` is missing or can't be parsed). Here's an example: >>> from apache_manager import ApacheManager >>> manager = ApacheManager() >>> manager.listen_addresses [NetworkAddress(protocol='http', address='', port=81, url='')] """ logger.debug("Discovering where Apache is listening by parsing %s ..", self.ports_config) # Make sure the configuration file exists. if not os.path.isfile(self.ports_config): raise AddressDiscoveryError(compact(""" Failed to discover any addresses or ports that Apache is listening on! The configuration file {filename} is missing. Are you sure the Apache web server is properly installed? If so you'll have to specify the configuration's location. """, filename=self.ports_config)) # Parse the configuration file. matched_addresses = [] pattern = re.compile(r'^(.+):(\d+)$') with open(self.ports_config) as handle: for lnum, line in enumerate(handle, start=1): tokens = line.split() # We are looking for `Listen' directives. if len(tokens) >= 2 and tokens[0] == 'Listen': parsed_value = None # Check for a port number without an IP address. if tokens[1].isdigit(): parsed_value = NetworkAddress(port=int(tokens[1])) else: # Check for an IP address with a port number. match = pattern.match(tokens[1]) if match: address = port = int( if address == '': address = '' parsed_value = NetworkAddress(address=address, port=port) # Check if we have a match. if parsed_value is not None: # Override the protocol if necessary. if len(tokens) >= 3: parsed_value.protocol = tokens[2] logger.debug("Parsed listen directive on line %i: %s", lnum, parsed_value) matched_addresses.append(parsed_value) else: logger.warning("Failed to parse listen directive on line %i: %s", lnum, line) # Sanity check the results. if not matched_addresses: raise AddressDiscoveryError(compact(""" Failed to discover any addresses or ports that Apache is listening on! Maybe I'm parsing the wrong configuration file? ({filename}) """, filename=self.ports_config)) # Log and return sorted port numbers. logger.debug("Discovered %s that Apache is listening on: %s", pluralize(len(matched_addresses), "address", "addresses"), concatenate(map(str, matched_addresses))) return matched_addresses
[docs] @cached_property(writable=True) def html_status_url(self): """ The URL on which Apache's HTML status page can be retrieved (a string). :raises: Any exceptions raised by :attr:`listen_addresses`. Here's an example: >>> from apache_manager import ApacheManager >>> manager = ApacheManager() >>> manager.html_status_url '' """ status_url = "%s/server-status" % self.listen_addresses[0].url logger.debug("Discovered Apache HTML status page URL: %s", status_url) return status_url
[docs] @cached_property def text_status_url(self): """ The URL on which Apache's plain text status page can be retrieved (a string). :raises: Any exceptions raised by :attr:`listen_addresses`. Here's an example: >>> from apache_manager import ApacheManager >>> manager = ApacheManager() >>> manager.text_status_url '' """ status_url = "%s?auto" % self.html_status_url logger.debug("Discovered Apache plain text status page URL: %s", status_url) return status_url
[docs] @cached_property def html_status(self): """ The content of Apache's `HTML status page`_ (a string). See also :attr:`text_status`. :raises: Any exceptions raised by :func:`fetch_status_page()`. .. _HTML status page: """ return self.fetch_status_page(self.html_status_url)
[docs] @cached_property def text_status(self): """ The content of Apache's `plain text status page`_ (a string). See also :attr:`html_status`. :raises: Any exceptions raised by :func:`fetch_status_page()`. Here's an example: >>> from apache_manager import ApacheManager >>> manager = ApacheManager() >>> print manager.text_status Total Accesses: 100 Total kBytes: 275 CPULoad: .000203794 Uptime: 181556 ReqPerSec: .000550794 BytesPerSec: 1.55104 BytesPerReq: 2816 BusyWorkers: 1 IdleWorkers: 5 Scoreboard: ____W._....................................... .. _plain text status page: """ return self.fetch_status_page(self.text_status_url).decode()
[docs] def fetch_status_page(self, status_url): """ Fetch an Apache status page and return its content. :param url: The URL of the status page (a string). :returns: The response body (a string). :raises: :exc:`.StatusPageError` if fetching of the status page fails. """ timer = Timer() # Get the Apache status page. logger.debug("Fetching Apache status page from %s ..", status_url) try: response = urlopen(status_url) except HTTPError as e: # These objects can be treated as response objects. response = e # Validate the HTTP response status. response_code = response.getcode() if response_code != 200: # Record the failure. self.status_response = False # Notify the caller using a custom exception. raise StatusPageError(compact(""" Failed to retrieve Apache status page from {url}! Expected to get HTTP response status 200, got {code} instead. """, url=status_url, code=response_code)) response_body = logger.debug("Fetched %s in %s.", format_size(len(response_body)), timer) self.status_response = True return response_body
[docs] @cached_property def slots(self): """ The status of Apache workers (a list of :class:`WorkerStatus` objects). :raises: Any exceptions raised by :attr:`html_status` or :exc:`.StatusPageError` if parsing of the Apache status page fails. The :attr:`slots` property contains one :class:`WorkerStatus` object for each worker "slot" that Apache has allocated. This means that some of the :class:`WorkerStatus` objects may not have expected properties like :attr:`` because they describe an "empty slot". See the :attr:`workers` property for a list of :class:`WorkerStatus` objects without empty slots. """ # Use BeautifulSoup to parse the HTML response body. soup = BeautifulSoup(self.html_status, "html.parser") # Prepare a list of normalized column headings expected to be defined in the table. required_columns = [normalize_text(c) for c in STATUS_COLUMNS] # Check each table on the Apache status page, because different # multiprocessing modules result in a status page with a different # number of tables and the table with worker details is not clearly # marked as such in the HTML output ... for table in soup.findAll('table'): # Parse the table into a list of dictionaries, one for each row. matched_rows = list(parse_status_table(table)) # Filter out rows that don't contain the required columns. validated_rows = [r for r in matched_rows if all(c in r for c in required_columns)] # If one or more rows remain we found the right table! :-) if validated_rows: return [WorkerStatus(status_fields=f) for f in validated_rows] raise StatusPageError(compact(""" Failed to parse Apache status page! No tables found containing all of the required column headings and at least one row of data that could be parsed. """))
[docs] @cached_property def workers(self): """ The status of the Apache workers, a list of :class:`WorkerStatus` objects. :raises: Any exceptions raised by :attr:`html_status` or :exc:`.StatusPageError` if parsing of the Apache status page fails. This property's value is based on :attr:`slots` but excludes empty slots (i.e. every :class:`WorkerStatus` object in :attr:`workers` will have expected properties like :attr:``). """ return [ws for ws in self.slots if ws.m != '.']
[docs] @cached_property def hanging_workers(self): """ A list of workers that appear to be 'hanging' (unresponsive). :raises: Any exceptions raised by :attr:`html_status` or :exc:`.StatusPageError` if parsing of the Apache status page fails. This property's value is based on :attr:`workers` but excludes workers that aren't active and workers whose 'seconds since the beginning of the current request' is lower than :data:`HANGING_WORKER_THRESHOLD`. """ return [ws for ws in self.workers if ws.is_active and >= HANGING_WORKER_THRESHOLD]
[docs] @cached_property def killable_workers(self): """A list of :class:`KillableWorker` objects.""" all_workers = list(self.workers) native_pids = set( for w in self.workers) for process in find_apache_workers(): if not in native_pids: all_workers.append(NonNativeWorker(process=process)) return sorted(all_workers, key=lambda p:
@property def manager_metrics(self): """ Information about the interaction between the Apache manager and the Apache web server. Here's an example of the resulting dictionary: >>> from apache_manager import ApacheManager >>> from pprint import pprint >>> manager = ApacheManager() >>> pprint(manager.manager_metrics) {'workers_hanging': 0, 'workers_killed_active': 0, 'workers_killed_idle': 0, 'status_response': None} Notes about these metrics: - The ``status_response`` key is :data:`None` by default. Once an Apache status page has been fetched it becomes :data:`True` if the status page was fetched successfully or :data:`False` if fetching of the status page failed (see :func:`fetch_status_page()`, :attr:`html_status` and :attr:`text_status`). - The ``workers_hanging`` key gives the number of hanging workers (based on the length of :attr:`hanging_workers`). - The ``workers_killed_active`` and ``workers_killed_idle`` keys give the number of Apache workers killed by :func:`kill_workers()`. """ return dict(workers_hanging=len(self.hanging_workers), workers_killed_active=self.num_killed_active, workers_killed_idle=self.num_killed_idle, status_response=self.status_response)
[docs] @cached_property def server_metrics(self): """ Global web server metrics parsed from the machine readable plain text status page. Here's an example of the values you can expect: >>> from apache_manager import ApacheManager >>> from pprint import pprint >>> manager = ApacheManager() >>> pprint(manager.server_metrics) {'busy_workers': 1, 'bytes_per_request': 3120.19, 'bytes_per_second': 1.52158, 'cpu_load': 0.000195063, 'idle_workers': 4, 'requests_per_second': 0.000487657, 'total_accesses': 85, 'total_traffic': 259, 'uptime': 174303} """ logger.debug("Extracting metrics from Apache's plain text status page ..") return dict( # Example: "Total Accesses: 49038" total_accesses=int(self.extract_metric(r'^Total Accesses: (\d+)')), # Example: "Total kBytes: 169318" total_traffic=int(self.extract_metric(r'^Total KBytes: (\d+)')) * 1024, # Example: "CPULoad: 7.03642" cpu_load=float(self.extract_metric(r'^CPULoad: ([0-9.]+)')), # Example: "Uptime: 85017" uptime=int(self.extract_metric(r'^Uptime: (\d+)')), # Example: "ReqPerSec: .576802" requests_per_second=float(self.extract_metric(r'^ReqPerSec: ([0-9.]+)')), # Example: "BytesPerSec: 2039.38" bytes_per_second=float(self.extract_metric(r'^BytesPerSec: ([0-9.]+)')), # Example: "BytesPerReq: 3535.66" bytes_per_request=float(self.extract_metric(r'^BytesPerReq: ([0-9.]+)')), # Example: "BusyWorkers: 2" busy_workers=int(self.extract_metric(r'^BusyWorkers: (\d+)')), # Example: "IdleWorkers: 6" idle_workers=int(self.extract_metric(r'^IdleWorkers: (\d+)')), )
[docs] def extract_metric(self, pattern, default='0'): """ Extract a metric from the Apache text status page. :param pattern: A regular expression that captures a metric from the text status page (a string). :param default: The default value to return if the pattern isn't matched (a string). :returns: The value of the capture group in the matched pattern or the default value (if the pattern didn't match). This method is a helper for :attr:`server_metrics` that extracts metrics from the Apache text status page based on a regular expression pattern. """ modified_pattern = re.sub(r'\s+', r'\s+', pattern) match =, self.text_status, re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE) if match: logger.debug("Pattern '%s' matched '%s'.", pattern, return else: logger.warning("Pattern %r didn't match plain text Apache status page contents!", pattern) return default
[docs] @cached_property def memory_usage(self): """ The memory usage of the Apache workers (a :class:`~proc.apache.StatsList` object). Based on :func:`proc.apache.find_apache_memory_usage()`. See also :attr:`wsgi_process_groups`. Here's an example: >>> from apache_manager import ApacheManager >>> from pprint import pprint >>> manager = ApacheManager() >>> pprint(manager.memory_usage) [13697024, 466776064, 735391744, 180432896, 465453056] >>> print(manager.memory_usage.min) 13697024 >>> print(manager.memory_usage.average) 141787428.571 >>> print(manager.memory_usage.max) 735391744 """ return self.combined_memory_usage[0]
[docs] @cached_property def wsgi_process_groups(self): """ The memory usage of Apache workers in WSGI process groups. The value of this property is a dictionary with process group names as keys and :class:`~proc.apache.StatsList` objects as values. Based on :func:`proc.apache.find_apache_memory_usage()`. See also :attr:`memory_usage`. Here's an example: >>> from apache_manager import ApacheManager >>> from pprint import pprint >>> manager = ApacheManager() >>> pprint(manager.wsgi_process_groups) {'group-one': [44048384, 44724224, 44048384], 'group-two': [52088832, 51879936, 55554048, 54956032, 54968320], 'other-group': [13697024, 13697024, 13697024, 13697024]} """ return self.combined_memory_usage[1]
[docs] @cached_property def combined_memory_usage(self): """ The result of :func:`~proc.apache.find_apache_memory_usage()`. This property caches the result so that when :attr:`memory_usage` and :attr:`wsgi_process_groups` are both dereferenced, the function :func:`~proc.apache.find_apache_memory_usage()` only has to be called once. """ return find_apache_memory_usage()
[docs] def kill_workers(self, max_memory_active=0, max_memory_idle=0, timeout=0, dry_run=False): """ Kill Apache worker processes that exceed resource usage thresholds. :param max_memory_active: The maximum number of bytes of memory that active Apache worker processes are allowed to use (an integer). :param max_memory_idle: The maximum number of bytes of memory that idle Apache worker processes are allowed to use (an integer). :param timeout: The maximum number of seconds since the beginning of the most recent request (a number). :returns: A list of integers with process ids of killed workers. Some implementation notes about this method: - If any of the parameters are zero the respective resource usage threshold will not be applied. - Memory usage is measured using :attr:`~KillableWorker.memory_usage`. - The number of seconds since the beginning of the most recent request is measured using :attr:``. - Worker processes are killed using the :func:`~proc.core.Process.kill()` method of the :class:`proc.core.Process` class. See also :attr:`num_killed_active` and :attr:`num_killed_idle`. """ killed = set() num_checked = 0 for worker in self.killable_workers: # Depending on the multiprocessing module in use multiple workers # may be using the same OS process. We leave it up to the caller # whether's it's wise to kill workers using non-preforked processes # (hint: it's not) but we definitely shouldn't try to kill a single # OS process more than once! if not in killed: kill_worker = False memory_usage_threshold = max_memory_active if worker.is_active else max_memory_idle if memory_usage_threshold and worker.memory_usage > memory_usage_threshold:"Killing %s using %s (%s) ..", worker, format_size(worker.memory_usage), worker.request or 'last request unknown') kill_worker = True elif timeout and worker.is_active and getattr(worker, 'ss', 0) > timeout:"Killing %s hanging for %s since last request (%s) ..", worker, format_timespan(, worker.request or 'unknown') kill_worker = True if kill_worker: if not dry_run: worker.process.kill() killed.add( if worker.is_active: self.num_killed_active += 1 else: self.num_killed_idle += 1 num_checked += 1 if killed:"Killed %i of %s.", len(killed), pluralize(num_checked, "Apache worker")) else:"No Apache workers killed (found %s within resource usage limits).", pluralize(num_checked, "worker")) return list(killed)
[docs] def save_metrics(self, data_file): """ Store monitoring metrics in a data file. :param data_file: The pathname of the data file (a string). This method stores the metrics provided by :attr:`manager_metrics` and :attr:`server_metrics` in a text file in an easy to parse format. Here's an example of what the contents of the file look like:: # Global Apache server metrics. busy-workers 1 bytes-per-request 0.0 bytes-per-second 0.0 cpu-load 1.13893 idle-workers 4 requests-per-second 1.89822 total-accesses 15 total-traffic 0 uptime 790212 # Metrics internal to apache-manager. status-response 0 workers-killed-active 0 workers-killed-idle 0 # Memory usage of native Apache worker processes. memory-usage native count 5 memory-usage native min 331776 memory-usage native max 1662976 memory-usage native average 598016.0 memory-usage native median 331776 # Memory usage of 'example' WSGI worker processes. memory-usage example count 4 memory-usage example min 356352 memory-usage example max 372736 memory-usage example average 368640.0 memory-usage example median 372736.0 The values in the example above have been aligned to ease readability; in reality the names and values are delimited by tab characters (as long as you parse the file as whitespace delimited name/value pairs it will be fine, this is trivial to do with e.g. AWK_). .. _AWK: """ if data_file == '-': logger.debug("Reporting metrics on standard output ..") else: logger.debug("Storing metrics in %s ..", data_file) # Start with the server metrics. output = ['# Global Apache server metrics.'] for name, value in sorted(self.server_metrics.items()): output.append('%s\t%s' % (name.replace('_', '-'), value)) # Add our internal metrics. output.extend(['', '# Metrics internal to apache-manager.']) for name, value in sorted(self.manager_metrics.items()): if isinstance(value, bool): value = 0 if value else 1 output.append('%s\t%s' % (name.replace('_', '-'), value)) # Add memory usage metrics per group of (WSGI) workers. groups = dict(self.wsgi_process_groups) ordered_group_names = [NATIVE_WORKERS_LABEL] + sorted(groups.keys()) groups[NATIVE_WORKERS_LABEL] = self.memory_usage metric_names = ('count', 'min', 'max', 'average', 'median') for group_name in ordered_group_names: output.append('') if group_name == NATIVE_WORKERS_LABEL: output.append('# Memory usage of native Apache worker processes.') else: output.append('# Memory usage of %r WSGI worker processes.' % group_name) for metric in metric_names: output.append('\t'.join([ 'memory-usage', group_name, metric, str( len(groups[group_name]) if metric == 'count' else getattr(groups[group_name], metric) ), ])) if data_file == '-': print('\n'.join(output)) else: temporary_file = '%s.tmp' % data_file with open(temporary_file, 'w') as handle: handle.write('\n'.join(output) + '\n') os.rename(temporary_file, data_file)
[docs] def refresh(self): """Clear cached properties so that their values are recomputed when dereferenced.""" self.clear_cached_properties()
[docs]class NetworkAddress(PropertyManager): """Network address objects encapsulate everything we need to know to connect to Apache.""" @property def url(self): """The URL corresponding to :attr:`protocol`, :attr:`address` and :attr:`port` (a string).""" tokens = [self.protocol, '://', self.address] if not ((self.protocol == 'http' and self.port == 80) or (self.protocol == 'https' and self.port == 443)): tokens.append(':%s' % self.port) return ''.join(tokens)
[docs] @required_property def protocol(self): """The protocol that Apache is listening for (one of the strings 'http' or 'https').""" return 'https' if self.port == 443 else 'http'
[docs] @required_property def address(self): """The IP address on which Apache is listening (a string).""" return ''
[docs] @required_property def port(self): """The port number on which Apache is listening (an integer)."""
[docs] def __str__(self): """Use :attr:`url` for a human friendly representation.""" return self.url
[docs]class KillableWorker(PropertyManager): """ Abstract base class to represent killable Apache worker processes. Worker processes can be killed based on resource usage thresholds like memory usage and/or requests that are taking too long to process. There are currently two implementations of killable workers: - :class:`WorkerStatus` represents the information about a worker process that was retrieved from Apache's status page. - :class:`NonNativeWorker` represents processes that are direct descendants of the master Apache process but are not included in the workers listed on Apache's status page (e.g. WSGI daemon processes spawned by mod_wsgi_). """
[docs] @required_property def is_active(self): """:data:`True` if the worker is processing a request, :data:`False` otherwise."""
@property def is_alive(self): """:data:`True` if :attr:`process` is running, :data:`False` otherwise.""" return self.process.is_alive if self.process else False
[docs] @lazy_property def memory_usage(self): """ The memory usage of the worker process in bytes. The value of this property is an integer or :data:`None` (if the process disappeared before the process information is requested). The value of this property is based on the :attr:`~proc.core.Process.rss` property of the :class:`proc.core.Process` class. """ return self.process.rss if self.process else None
[docs] @required_property def pid(self): """ The process ID of the Apache worker (an integer or :data:`None`). If :attr:`process` is set then the value of :attr:`pid` defaults to :attr:``. """ return if self.process else None
[docs] @mutable_property(cached=True) def process(self): """ The :class:`proc.core.Process` object for this worker process (or :data:`None`). If :attr:`pid` is set then the value of :attr:`process` defaults to the result of :func:`proc.core.Process.from_pid()`. If the worker process disappears before the process information is requested :attr:`process` will be :data:`None`. """ return Process.from_pid( if else None
[docs] @mutable_property def request(self): """The HTTP status line of the most recent request (a string or :data:`None`)."""
[docs]class NonNativeWorker(KillableWorker): """ Non-native Apache worker processes. Objects of this type represent processes that are direct descendants of the master Apache process but are not included in the workers listed on Apache's status page (e.g. WSGI daemon processes spawned by mod_wsgi_). These processes (assumed to be workers of one kind or another) can only be killed based on their memory usage, because this information can be easily retrieved from the Linux ``/proc`` file system without an API provided by the Apache web server (because there is no such API for non-native workers, to the best of my knowledge). .. _mod_wsgi: """
[docs] @required_property def process(self): """The :class:`proc.core.Process` object for this worker process."""
[docs] @required_property def is_active(self): """:data:`True` because this information isn't available for non-native workers.""" return True
[docs] def __str__(self): """Render a human friendly representation of a non-native Apache worker.""" return "non-native worker %i" %
[docs]class WorkerStatus(KillableWorker): """ :class:`WorkerStatus` objects represent the state of an Apache worker. These objects are constructed by the :attr:`ApacheManager.workers` property. To give you an idea of what :class:`WorkerStatus` objects look like, here's a simple example: >>> from apache_manager import ApacheManager >>> manager = ApacheManager() >>> print(manager.workers[0]) WorkerStatus(acc=(0, 6, 128), child=0.01, conn=0.0, cpu=0.03, is_active=False, is_alive=True, is_idle=True, m='_', memory_usage=5185536, pid=31212, process=Process(...), req=1, request='GET /server-status HTTP/1.1', slot=0.2, srv=(0, 38), ss=234) The naming of the fields may look somewhat obscure, this is because they match the names given on the Apache status page. If any of the fields are not available their value will be :data:`None`. The following properties are parsed from the Apache status page: The following computed properties are based on the properties parsed from the Apache status page: """
[docs] @required_property def status_fields(self): """The raw status fields extracted from Apache's status page (a dictionary)."""
[docs] @lazy_property def acc(self): """The number of accesses this connection / this child / this slot (a tuple of three integers).""" raw_value = self.status_fields.get('acc', '0/0/0') return tuple(coerce_value(int, n) for n in raw_value.split('/'))
[docs] @lazy_property def child(self): """The number of megabytes transferred this child (a float).""" return coerce_value(float, self.status_fields.get('child', '0'))
[docs] @lazy_property def client(self): """The IP address of the client that was last served (a string).""" return self.status_fields.get('client')
[docs] @lazy_property def conn(self): """The number of kilobytes transferred this connection (a float).""" return coerce_value(float, self.status_fields.get('conn', '0'))
[docs] @lazy_property def cpu(self): """The CPU usage (number of seconds as a floating point number).""" return coerce_value(float, self.status_fields.get('cpu', '0'))
@property def is_idle(self): """ :data:`True` if the worker is idle, :data:`False` otherwise. The value of this property is based on :attr:`m` and :data:`IDLE_MODES`. """ return self.m in IDLE_MODES @property def is_active(self): """ :data:`True` if the worker isn't idle, :data:`False` otherwise. The value of this property is based on :attr:`is_idle`. """ return not self.is_idle
[docs] @lazy_property def m(self): """ The mode of operation (a string). Here's an overview of known modes (not intended as an exhaustive list): ===== ================================= Mode Description ===== ================================= ``_`` Waiting for connection ``S`` Starting up ``R`` Reading request ``W`` Sending reply ``K`` Keepalive (read) ``D`` DNS lookup ``C`` Closing connection ``L`` Logging ``G`` Gracefully finishing ``I`` Idle cleanup of worker ``.`` Open slot with no current process ===== ================================= See also :attr:`is_active` and :attr:`is_idle`. """ return self.status_fields.get('m')
[docs] @lazy_property def pid(self): """The process ID of the Apache worker (an integer).""" return coerce_value(int, self.status_fields.get('pid'))
[docs] @lazy_property def req(self): """The number of milliseconds required to process the most recent request (an integer).""" return coerce_value(int, self.status_fields.get('req'))
[docs] @lazy_property def request(self): """ The HTTP status line of the most recent request (a string or :data:`None`). The default value of the :attr:`request` field on Apache's status page is the string ``NULL``. This obscure implementation detail is hidden by the :attr:`request` property. """ value = self.status_fields.get('request', 'NULL') return value if value != 'NULL' else None
[docs] @lazy_property def slot(self): """The total number of megabytes transferred this slot (a float).""" return coerce_value(float, self.status_fields.get('slot', '0'))
[docs] @lazy_property def srv(self): """Child Server number and generation (a tuple of two integers).""" raw_value = self.status_fields.get('srv', '0-0') return tuple(coerce_value(int, n) for n in raw_value.split('-'))
[docs] @lazy_property def ss(self): """The number of seconds since the beginning of the most recent request (a float).""" return coerce_value(int, self.status_fields.get('ss', '0'))
[docs] @lazy_property def vhost(self): """The server name and port of the virtual host that served the last request (a string).""" return self.status_fields.get('vhost')
[docs] def __str__(self): """Render a human friendly representation of a native Apache worker.""" return "native worker %i (%s)" % (, "active" if self.is_active else "idle")
def parse_status_table(table): """Parse one of the status tables from Apache's HTML status page.""" headings = dict((i, normalize_text(coerce_tag(th))) for i, th in enumerate(table.findAll('th'))) logger.debug("Parsed table headings: %r", headings) for tr in table.findAll('tr'): values_by_index = [coerce_tag(td) for td in tr.findAll('td')] logger.debug("Parsed values by index: %r", values_by_index) if values_by_index: # Ignore exceptions during coercion. # TODO This can obscure real problems. Find a better way to make it robust! try: values_by_name = dict((headings[i], v) for i, v in enumerate(values_by_index)) logger.debug("Parsed values by name: %r", values_by_name) yield values_by_name except Exception: pass def coerce_tag(tag): """ Coerce a BeautifulSoup tag to its string contents (stripped from leading and trailing whitespace). Used by :func:`parse_status_table()` to get the text values of HTML tags. """ try: return u''.join(tag.findAll(text=True)).strip() except Exception: return '' def coerce_value(type, value): """ Coerce a value to an expected type. :param type: The type to coerce the value to (any type). :param value: The value to coerce (any Python value). :returns: The coerced value or :data:`None` if an exception is raised during coercion. Used by :class:`WorkerStatus` to coerce metrics parsed from the Apache status page to their expected Python types. """ try: return type(value) except Exception: return None def normalize_text(value): """Lossy normalization of text values to make string comparisons less fragile.""" try: return re.sub('[^a-z0-9]', '', value.lower()) except Exception: return ''