Source code for apache_manager.interactive

# Monitor and control Apache web server workers from Python.
# Author: Peter Odding <>
# Last Change: September 26, 2015
# URL:

A ``top`` like interactive viewer for Apache web server metrics.

The :mod:`~apache_manager.interactive` module implements a ``top`` like
interactive viewer for Apache web server metrics using curses_. It can be
invoked from the command line using ``apache-manager --watch``.

Please note that the functions in this module are not included in the test
suite and are excluded from coverage calculations because:

1. For now this module is just an interesting experiment. It might disappear
   completely or I might change it significantly, it all depends on time and
   interest. For example it would be cool to have a tool like mytop_ or
   innotop_ for Apache workers, but it's going to take time to build something
   like that and I have 40+ open source projects and limited spare time, so I'm
   not going to commit to anything :-).

2. This is my first time working with Python's :mod:`curses` module (and
   curses_ interfaces in general) and it's not yet clear to me how feasible it
   is to test an interactive command line interface that's not line based.

.. _curses:
.. _innotop:
.. _mytop:

# Standard library modules.
import curses
import logging
import time

# External dependencies.
import coloredlogs

[docs]def watch_metrics(manager): """Watch Apache web server metrics in a ``top`` like interface.""" try: curses.wrapper(redraw_loop, manager) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
[docs]def redraw_loop(screen, manager): """The main loop that continuously redraws Apache web server metrics.""" # Ugly workaround to avoid circular import errors due to interdependencies # between the apache_manager.cli and apache_manager.interactive modules. from apache_manager.cli import report_metrics, line_is_heading # Hide warnings (they'll mess up the curses layout). coloredlogs.set_level(logging.ERROR) # Hide the text cursor. cursor_mode = curses.curs_set(0) # Make Control-C behave normally. curses.noraw() # Enable non-blocking getch(). screen.nodelay(True) try: # Repeat until the user aborts. while True: lnum = 0 for line in report_metrics(manager): attributes = 0 if line_is_heading(line): attributes |= curses.A_BOLD screen.addstr(lnum, 0, line, attributes) lnum += 1 # Redraw screen. screen.refresh() # Wait a while before refreshing the screen, but enable the user to # quit in the mean time. for i in range(10): if screen.getch() == ord('q'): return # Don't burn through CPU like crazy :-). time.sleep(0.1) # Update metrics in next iteration. manager.refresh() # Clear screen for next iteration. screen.erase() finally: # Restore cursor mode. curses.curs_set(cursor_mode) # Clean up the screen after we're done. screen.erase()